Saturday night a bunch of us got together and took Melodye out to dinner for her birthday (which was actually Sun.). Mary didn't make it as she was not feeling well. Here is the gang.
Rt. side (front to back): Me, Margarethe, Gayle
This is a baby afghan that Melodye is working on. Isn't it beautiful! I'm the only one in the group that doesn't knit. I tried - I have absolutely NO talent or patience for knitting or crocheting and as I have said before, "Why should I knit when I have so many friends that knit so beautifully and I can buy the yarn and get them to make things for me or sometimes I get them as gifts - which I love!
Just as well I didn't make it because now no pic of me! BTW, the afghan is knit not quilt!
Okay, I corrected to say " I'm the only one that does not KNIT" ;-D
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